Modesty Sahayanathan
Modesty Sahayanathan is Assistant Manager - Operations at Hesda. She handles Project Eagle and is responsible for data delivery and quality. Prior to joining the firm, Modesty worked with Bureau of Skills Assessment as an Assistant Manager since September 2009, where she headed the processing department at the National Office. Previously, she served at GS Management as a Training Manager. Modesty started her career at Firstsource as a Customer Service Executive; she quickly moved on to become a Quality Analyst, a Trainer and finally a Team Manager at the firm.

Working towards business improvement, cost reduction, and time management is Modesty’s forte. With her exposure to Six Sigma and COPC, she brings tangible value to our company.

Modesty holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from Mount Carmel College – Bangalore University. She has completed the ONTRACK training program and has 5 STAR Certificates to her credit. She had the privilege of successfully presenting her project to the CEO of Firstsource.

Even though the name Modesty is one of a kind, she prefers to be called “Mody”.