u Assets - Hesda
If you came to this page expecting to look at our balance sheet, you’re in for a surprise! At Hesda, people are our biggest assets and we place high value on them by endowing and fostering their development. For us Hesdites, growth is not in the numbers we produce or the promotions we get, but rather the difference we make to ourselves and others. In pursuit of this endeavor, every Hesdite is covered under our in-house PRAVRITTI – Employee Empowerment Program (PEEP). Pravritti in Sanskrit means ‘advancement’ and the essence of this program is to expose the potential of every individual and contribute to their growth. We always believe that the success of our company is gauged by the success of our people.

PEEP is a well-planned path which begins at the recruitment stage and covers the entire journey of an employee at Hesda. Furthermore our focus isn’t only on professional growth; we strive to support our people become better human beings too. Every Hesdite goes through a series of workshops, activities, one-on-ones, and mentoring sessions which enhance their confidence levels and tunes them to be the best they can be, both at work and in life.