Corporate Social Responsibility
“Life is never so busy that there is no time to serve.”
At Hesda, we consider CSR as a top-priority. Corporate Conscience being one of our core values, we believe that Community Growth enhances Corporate Growth. On this note, we are happy to present our first two initiatives.
  • Plastic(h)aters - Say “NO” to Plastics (November, 2010)

    Reason: Non-biodegradable polythene is harmful to the environment and takes centuries to decompose.

    Action: The team did a documentary on the ill-effects of plastic bags and our office premise has been transformed into a “No Plastic” zone.

    Mission: We are making conscious efforts to avoid usage of plastic bags not just at the work spot, but also in our day-to- day lives and creating awareness among our families and friends. Our contribution to saving the Environment begins here, and will go on…………
  • Blessed @ The Blessing Home (December, 2010)

    Reason: To bring out the true meaning of Christmas

    Action: On 22nd of December, 2010 we visited ‘The Blessing Home’, an Orphanage located in Geddagahalli, Bangalore. In our busy world, we are so caught up with what we have and what we want that last Christmas season, we as a team wanted to add some hope and happiness into the lives of a group of children sheltered at ‘The Blessing Home’. Quality time is what we spent at the home, giving them our contribution of carols, dances, wishes and gifts and they in turn taught us the lesson of ‘Contentment’

    Mission:  To step out of our comfort zone more frequently and spread the essence of Love, Joy and
    Happiness among people.