News and Events
23rd July 2010 - Bay Decoration Competition
Parameters: Innovation, creativity, cleanliness, theme
Judge: Mrs. Jennifer Ann Joseph
Winners: 1st Place Divya – Saligram Village
2nd Place Kalpana – Valentine’s Day
3rd Place Sonia – Indian Village
23rd July, 2010 was a day when our work-stations were transformed into the unimaginable - an army camp, a village, a rainbow, Valentine’s Day and so on. By the end of the competition, our judges were delighted to celebrate Valentine’s Day at an army base in Saligram village!
14th August 2010 - Independence Day Celebration with Rangoli Competition
Criteria: Biodegradable material
Judge: Mr. Hemkumar & Mrs. Arthi HemKumar
Winners: 1st Place Kavitha – “Youth” is the key for success
2nd Place Sashikala – Peacock – The national bird of India
3rd Place Kalpana – Rangoli with salt as the colouring medium
13th September 2010 - Pot Luck
A day our tummies will never forget! Take some time to read our menu and make sure you have a tissue handy cause this is one page which is mouth watering for sure!
  • Parothas
  • Mutton Gravy
  • Aloo Manchurian
  • Kebabs
  • Panner Curry
  • Raitha
  • Baked Potato
  • Chicken Biryani
  • Gulab Jamoon
  • Veg Pulao
  • Channa Gravy
  • Soft Drinks
The event concluded with a note of “Gratitude” to our stomachs for being so cooperative in accommodating everything that we filled them with!

16th October 2010 - Dandiya Day
A chance to dance! Attired in the traditional Gujarati style, we turned, tripped, skipped and finally did the Dandiya (or at least we thought we danced!!). How well can you walk the ramp was next on our agenda for the day. Shruthi was voted as the ‘Best Dressed Person’.
6th November 2010 - Cook Without Fire
We Hesdites love being innovative. On the 6th of November, 2010 we ventured into a task that involved cooking without fire. We had more dishes than we had imagined and the truth is that every dish was rich in nutrition and tasted awesome.

Where there’s a will, there’s a Way,
Yes, you can cook without fire, so we say!
13th November 2010 - Plastic(h)aters
22nd December 2010 - Visit to Blessing Home
23rd December 2010 - Christmas Celebration
As we decorated the Christmas tree at our reception, we were so thrilled about playing “Secret Angel” through the season. Each day we anticipated a gift on the Christmas tree and even if it was a little candy, our joy knew no bounds! Our expertise was in leaving a note or a gift on the tree without being noticed by anybody. Finally, the wait to meet our Secret Angel ceased on the 23rd of December, when we came together and exchanged our Christmas gifts. A truly wonderful time for all.
25th January 2011 - Republic Day Delebration
Not wanting to hold back our patriotism, we headed to ZTC International, a landscaping company. Our Cultural programs included a speech on republic day by Kavitha and choreography by the team depicting the rich heritage of our country. As we fellowshipped with our fellow ZTC’ians, we ended the show with a game of antakshari and snacks.
14th February 2011 - Valentine Day Celebration with Poetry Competition
Poetry being the best way to express one’s feelings, celebrating Valentine day with a poetry competition was a good idea. The Hesdites were at their writing best and this time, “Google” did not help them as much as their own brains did! Hats off to our poets.
8th March 2011 – International Women’s Day
Having a day all for themselves, a day when every lady takes pride in being a “WOMAN”, our female staff were at their best and failed not to enjoy every minute. The best part of the event was when the Gentlemen of our company took us all by surprise! A warm welcome with red roses for each lady, yummy strawberry-mousse cake, variety of games, snacks, etc., was nothing less than being pampered.
To symbolically bring out the essence of a woman, the ladies were asked to dip their hand in any color of their choice and leave imprints on a white cloth. (Picture)
4th May 2011 – Mother’s Day @ Green Valley Resort
For almost four months, we were thinking of ways in which we could celebrate Mother’s day. On consensus, we wanted to do the best for our mothers. “Why not give them a break and take them out of the city, away from their routine?” was one of the suggestions to which everybody readily agreed. So, on the 4th of May, 2011 along with our dear mothers we landed at the Green Valley Resort. The following events were organized:
  • A team song dedicated to all the Mothers
  • Distribution of candles made by one of our Hesdites
  • An activity for the Mothers alone
  • An activity for the Mothers along with their children
  • A game of Bingo
  • A movie presentation where each Hesdite had penned a few lines for their mothers
There was a moment when each of us gave a gift to our mothers in appreciation for all that they have been doing for us – a moment that will live forever in our minds!
Hesdites strive not on doing different things, but on doing things Differently.
18th June 2011 – Badminton Tournament
If you thought that Hesdites can just hit the right keys on their computer keyboards, you are mistaken. We can even smash a shuttle-cock onto the opponent’s court. Well, that’s exactly what happened on this much awaited day. A badminton tournament against ZTC – mixed doubles, men’s singles, you name it and we won it! Such a joy to bring back those trophies. Hats off to the ones who played and definitely cheers to our cheer-leaders! Rather than a game well-played, it was a game well-planned!

Monthly Notice Board Activity
At Hesda the Notice Board lives up to its name – yes, you just can’t miss noticing it!
Every month two Hesdites take the initiative of managing the notice board. Along with informative stuff, the team also conducts games like bingo, word puzzles, riddles etc., and at the end of every game we have a winner who is felicitated by the team. Our way of blending work and leisure…